Partnering with FCA Lacrosse Atlanta to offer:
Fall 2020 Tournament Experience
Faith based supplemental tournament team opportunity.
2020 Fall Ball is a go!!! We are excited to offer FCA’s unique opportunity where faith and lacrosse combine!
Cobb / Fulton: (1 Team Minimum)
The teams will consist of players recommended by coaches and peers as players of high moral integrity, who exhibit good sportsmanship, and are team leaders. As well as athletes who desire to join this experience individually without a recommendation.
An athlete’s faith is not a a prerequisite. All we ask that there is an openness to hear and participate in our faith & character focused components of the experience.
Due to the overwhelming number of athletes interested we are holding tryouts for these teams. Players selected will be required to attend three practices, one tournament, and participate in a community service project.
Tournament weekend will be November 7-8 and played in the Atlanta Metro Area.
Training Opportunities