FCA staff members are required to raise there own support. Become a monthly support partner to help your local staff member execute their vision to transform our community through connecting our coaches and athletes to the message of Jesus Christ!
Board Members help FCA staff members shape their mission, budget, and outreach programs for a given area. Board members typically attend 6-8 in person meetings a year, and work to keep our FCA staff members funded through event, and community fundraising.
All would agree that character is vital for success in any organization, team, or family, yet today’s news is filled with examples of bad character. FCA is there to serve our coaches to make sure character development is happening right next to physical development
We have all been to big events, and the event ends up as good as its volunteers. For FCA to implement it's mission and vision we need the community to partner with our team to make sure we can execute a big vision to impact our athletes and coaches.